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Equity & Inclusion Training

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Recantation Training

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Expert Testimony

The Art & Practice of Active Allyship
A 4-Part Online Synchronous Program

At this inflection point in global history, learning the art and practice of active allyship to advance equity and inclusive excellence is critical.  Become more proficient in active allyship by exploring how unconscious bias, social identities, stereotype threat, and privilege factor into interactions, the art of shifting/sharing privilege, and building networks to support active allyship.  Practice setting goals to advance active allyship, measures to track success, and ideas to test improvements locally.

Part 1:  Awareness (90 minutes)

Explore the role of unconscious bias, social identities, stereotype threat, and privilege in human interactions.  Improving awareness to strengthen your role as an active ally and advance equity and inclusive excellence involves dissecting unconscious bias and privilege.

Finance Consultancy

Part 2:  Action (90 minutes)

Explore how unconscious bias influences our receptiveness and confidence to be active allies.  We explore navigating our own comfort around active allyship, common reactions when enacting active allyship, and building networks to support our active allyship practices.

Graphic Designers

Part 3:  Translation (90 minutes)

Explore change ideas to improve active allyship practices.  Learn the Model of Improvement to identity:  1) goals to improve active allyship practices; 2) measures to track progress; and 3) ideas to test locally.  

Implementation Planning

Part 4:  Refining (90 minutes)

Continual refinement of active allyship practices is crucial for equity and inclusive excellence.  Reconvene to reflect, connect and discuss learning from change ideas tested locally using the Model of Improvement.  

In a Meeting
Services : Services

Media Literacy:  Unconscious Bias in Popular Culture
A 2-Part Online Synchronous Program

Advance your understanding of equity and inclusion through popular culture.  We use examples from film, music, TV, video games, news, fashion, and technology to engage in-depth dialogue about social identities, unconscious bias, micro- and macro-aggressions, stereotype threat, and implied privilege.  From Disney Princess films to Xbox, we delve into how we are shaped by popular culture messaging.

LGBTQ Film Festival

Part 1:  Awareness (90 minutes)

We use a lively, colorful display of popular culture examples depicting unconscious bias, stereotypical social identities, stereotype threat, microaggressions, macroaggressions and implied privilege.

Music Magazine

Part 2:  Action (90 minutes)

Using foundational definitions and examples from Part 1, we practice our media literacy skills in detecting unconscious bias, stereotypical social identities, micro- and macro-aggressions, and implied privilege.

Queer Identity:  Advancing Individual & Organizational Allyship Practices
A 1-Part Online Synchronous Program

Advance your understanding of queer identity, including gender identity, sexual identity, gender pronouns, and the act of individual and organizational allyship with queer individuals and communities.

Queer Prom

120 minutes

We use the research base, practical examples, and interactive dialogue to advance an understanding of queer identity and improve allyship practices at the individual and organizational levels.

Legal Advice

Recantation Training

The dynamics of domestic and sexual violence are complex and require trauma-informed response and attention to how biases influence our perceptions of victim behavior.  Our team published the field's seminal study and five-stage trauma-informed model describing how and why victims recant and refuse prosecution (Bonomi et al., 2011).  Our team conducts trainings across the world with law enforcement, advocates, judicial personnel, and health care workers to describe these dynamics.  The power of the trainings comes not only from the models, but our use of jail audio-recordings and visual media to detail the counterintuitive nature of survivor behavior that functions to protect their safety and how our biases enter into unfair assessments of such behavior.  In the same way that abusers use tedious methods to wear down their victim, best practice response to recantation involve tedious (persistent) efforts by professionals to protect victims.  

Services : Features

Expert Testimony

The dynamics of domestic and sexual violence are complex and require trauma-informed response.  Our team published the field's seminal study and five-stage trauma-informed model on how and why domestic violence survivors recant and refuse prosecution (Bonomi et al., 2011).  The five-stage model is used across the world to educate juries on recantation dynamics.  Our expert testimony with juries often involves complex cases involving intersecting factors, such as substance use, economic stress, race stress, and child custody.  Recent clients include the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice.

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